Learn About the Enterprise & All Our Contributions
Many people do NOT realize Cancer affects over 300,000 children each year, killing thousands of children each year. We all hear about Breast Cancer all year long, seeing pink ribbons on buses, in restaurants, on sports apparel, during commercials, at the movie theaters, yet, not one of these organizations ever mention this epidemic we face, Childhood Cancer.
Cancer Survivor Enterprises is more than just about the tale of survival, it's about the mission of education and the determination to be inspiring to others. Our Founder believe's every day in life we come face to face with a test of affirmation as to our Character to being good or not so good. Test such as: seeing someone dropping their wallet, money or anything and returning it to them, Holding a door open for someone who's walking behind you, offering a job to those who are capable and giving a meal to someone who's living in the streets, etc.. The Founder believe's these test measures your blessing's day in and day out. As a survivor of stage 4 childhood cancer, and seeing there are no prominent organizations that bring light to Childhood Cancer, and many ill's in the world, Cancer Survivor Enterprises are dedicated to Spreading Love & Awareness to All.
Cansur Ent. has given gifts to Children who has cancer and other illnesses. We offer jobs to those unemployed and living in homeless shelters, and we give food to those who are homeless, living on the streets.
One of Our greatest Missions has been giving to children with cancer, from the Super Hero Novel "The Cure" based on cancer, to Breathing4aReason Apparel, especially the knitted hats. When children go through Chemotherapy and Radiation treatment many lose their hair, leaving them bald. The Founder was teased & tormented during the bout with cancer, laughed at for being bald headed. Now, with these Breathing4aReason hats Children can feel a new sense of confidence and warmth.
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month, the month before Breast Cancer Awareness month (October). Ironically, no one recalls seeing a GOLD Ribbon or Ad's representing Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, yet, the next month, September no one can not go a moment without seemingly the entire world going Pink for Breast Cancer. We must Raise Childhood Cancer Awareness, 300,000+ children are diagnosed each year and thousands die. Just as we Champion the cause of raising Breast Cancer Awareness, to save the live's of our women, mother's and/or potential mother's, we must raise Awareness to save the live's of our children, Our future.
Each purchase made by you from Cancer Survivor Enterprises we will match your gifts by giving to a child who's diagnosed with Cancer and/or other deadly diseases. Our Logo Represents Childhood Cancer and through our apparel we are raising awareness each time someone see someone wearing the apparel.
Each gift will have a matched Gift attached within the description of the item. We will describe what gift will be given to children in connection with your purchase.
We are NOT a Non-Profit, We are an Enterprise that will Keep every Promise we make to you....
copyright 2018 Breathing4aReason, Inc.. all rights reserved